Saturday, January 18, 2014

First Blog!

It's my first fashion blog. This blog will mainly share the information of KPop stars' fashion (or some JPop star I like). I'm not encouraging fans to wear as same as stars but I would like fans wearing look like the star. Don't need  luxury to wear chic.

I'm a BIG fan of JPop and KPop industry so I may share some latest new, music on this blog too. I hope you guys love my blog. xoxo


科普這個詞真的好專業! 在這裡我會科普一下日韓明星穿的是甚麼~當然不是鼓勵飯們跟著自己喜歡的明星穿得一模一樣,而是希望大家能學習/仿傚一下style。


由於工作忙碌關係, 這裡不定期更新, 大家多多留意!!


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